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Protecting & Storing Your Handbag

So you have accumulated a couple handbags (or ten!) and you want to preserve them during their down time.

Speaking from experience, nothing is more disappointing than to open your closet and find that beautiful navy blue Lucky Brand bag has bled onto that perfectly pink Betsey Johnson bag! Making it perfectly ruined! Some basic rules for storing your bags:

1. Use the manufacturer dust bag that comes with the bag. If you don't have a dust bag, an old pillow case works great. Your closet is definitely the place for segregation!

2. Protect the shape of your bag. You don't want to find your favorite leather bag with permanent creases from being crushed by other bags or other perils lurking in your closet while you are not looking.

Frye Purse Dust Bag

3. If your bag has charms or FOBs that may leave an impression on the bag, tuck them inside, slip them in a pocket, or wrap them with a tissue. I used to LOVE American Angel Bags with those adorable brass angels FOBs. But I did not appreciate finding a "green" angel impression on my leather bag when I retrieved it from storage. Same for those Fossil Bags with the trendy brass key, this is one time when no impression is the best! Brass buckles can also leave unwanted marks, so be careful where you place the strap during storage.

4. Make sure your storage is not a damp area where mold might be a problem. Also for extra moisture protection, remember those silica packs that came with those new shoes and dozens of other packages? Recycle them and drop a few into your handbags as you put them to bed.

5. Odors. Did you retrieve your summer bag just in time for Memorial Day Weekend just to find it doesn't smell so spring time fresh? All natural is the answer here, head to the kitchen for some baking soda. Place an open container inside the handbag and keep it inside the dust bag a day or two. This should remove any unwanted odors.

6. Remember to never use harsh cleaners or chemicals on your bag. Use only products made specifically for the type of leather or fabric your bag is made of. Suede brush and erasers found in the shoe department can remove some markings without cleaners on those type of bags.

7. You can also take some preventative actions with protect ants sold specifically for handbags. Some manufacturers like Cole Haan and Frye, to name a couple, sell their own products if you are nervous about your selection.

8. Don't forget the liner! Handbag liners are a must! They keep all sorts of stains from ruining the lining of your bag. Ink pens, gum, and lipstick can leave some pretty horrendous stains. They keep our bags organized and they help us do a quick change from one bag to another.

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